Horizontal Shoulder Gun Holster with Single Mag Pouch
Horizontal Shoulder Gun Holster with Single Mag Pouch
The gun may be carried horizontally or adjusted to a butt-down slant for ease of draw and concealment.The harness is adjustable to fit most torsos. The neutral color suede harness will not bleed dye onto clothes. Suede makes the most desirable harness material, as it drapes very well over the shoulders and has the strength to carry very large weapons. Suede does not print through concealing clothing as much as heavier, full-grain leathers, and it does not slip or slide as nylon will do. Both holster and magazine pouch has detachable belt ties, which may be worn at your discretion. Available with single or double, drop style mag pouches for autos, single or double six-round ammo packs for revolvers. Six-round ammo packs carry revolver cartridges inside a snap-open envelope, broken into two groups of three cartridges. Ammo packs may also be made to fit speed strips. This is the only holster we produce with a thumb break. Our thumb breaks are reinforced with stitched-on plastic laminates (the cowhide version uses stiffened leather) to ensure a crisp, positive release each and every time. Also available in black cowhide.